Three Teachings - Confucianism, Daoism, Buddhism

In Chinese philosophy, the Three Teachings, Three Religions or San Jiao of Confucianism, Daoism and Buddhism are considered as a harmonious religious union. The concept originated in China during the Wei (220-265 CE) and Jin (265-420 CE) Dynasties, but has long since spread beyond the confines of China to the traditional Sinosphere of Japan, Korea and Vietnam, as well as - more recently - to the Overseas Chinese communities of the worldwide Chinese Diaspora...

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SAN JIAO , Three Teachings , Confucius , Confucianism , Lao Tse , Taoism , Laozi , Daoism , Buddhism , Mahayana , Chan , Zen , Chinese Religion , China , Chinese , Vietnam , Vietnamese , Korea , Korean , Japan , Japanese , Overseas Chinese , Chinese Diaspora , Matsu , Guanyin , Goddess of Mercy , Avalokitesvara , Taiwan , Taiwanese , Chinatown , Bodhisattva , Arhat

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