Historic Hampi, Capital of the Vijayanagara Empire
'What I saw… seemed to me as large as Rome, and very beautiful to the sight… There you will find all sorts of rubies, and diamonds, and emeralds, and pearls, and seed-pearls, and cloths, and every other sort of thing there is on earth and that you may wish to buy'.
Domingo Paes, Portuguese visitor to Hampi, c.1520
Today Hampi is a village in southern India's Karnataka State. But it is unlike all other Karnatakan villages in that it was once the capital of Vijayanagara, the great empire that dominated southern India between the 14th and 16th centuries CE. At its peak, Vijayanagar is believed to have been the largest city in India, with around 500,000 inhabitants. Today, with its extensive ancient ruins remarkably well preserved, it is a UNESCO World heritage Site listed under the rubric: 'The Group of Monuments at Hampi'...
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