'Let he who doubt Our Power and Our Munificence look upon Our Buildings'.
Amir Timur, 1379 CE
Timur, better known in the West as Tamerlane from his nickname Timur-i-leng or 'Timur the Lame', was the last of the great nomadic warriors to sweep out of Central Asia and shake the world. As befits a man styled 'World Conqueror', we know a lot about him - and not all of it good. In 1336, at Shakhrisabz in present-day Uzbekistan, the wife of a minor chief of the Mongol Barlas clan gave birth to a son with blood-filled palms, a sure omen that the infant was predestined to cause the death of thousands. He was given an appropriate name - Timur or demir means 'iron' in Turkish - and raised in the Turkic-Islamic tradition of the surrounding steppe as a rider, archer and swordsman...
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