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India: An elaborate painting by one of the Mughal court’s great artists, Abu-l-Hassan ibn Aqa Ridha, depicting the coronation of Emperor Jahangir in 1605.

India: An elaborate painting by one of the Mughal court’s great artists, Abu-l-Hassan ibn Aqa Ridha, depicting the coronation of Emperor Jahangir in 1605.

This painting was taken from a Muraqqa from Agra. A Muraqqa is an album of artwork which predominated in the 16th century in the Safavid, Mughal and Ottoman empires. The Muraqqa album consists of compilations of various fine arts, including Islamic calligraphy, Ottoman miniatures, paintings, drawings, ghazals and Persian poetry. This magnificent painting shows the emperor passing the coronation parade while one of his courtiers scatters gold coins to the crowd. Also depicted are musicians, trumpeters, mahouts on elephants, wrestlers, a poet, bodyguards, foreign envoys, falconers, soldiers, dancing girls, a peacock and much festivity.