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Thailand: The Old Town's busy moats at the Thai New Year Songkran (Water) Festival, Chiang Mai

Thailand: The Old Town's busy moats at the Thai New Year Songkran (Water) Festival, Chiang Mai

Songkran is the traditional Thai New Year and is celebrated from 13th to 15th April. This annual water festival, known in Thai as 'songkran,' and in Burmese as 'thingyan' marks the beginning of the rainy season and is celebrated in Burma, Laos, Thailand and other Southeast Asian countries, usually in April.

Chiang Mai (meaning "new city"), sometimes written as "Chiengmai" or "Chiangmai", is the largest and most culturally significant city in northern Thailand. King Mengrai founded the city of Chiang Mai in 1296, and it succeeded Chiang Rai as capital of the Lanna kingdom.


CPA Media Co. Ltd.


David Henley


Pictures From Asia