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China: Tujia handicrafts for sale at the North Gate Tower, Fenghuang, Hunan Province

China: Tujia handicrafts for sale at the North Gate Tower, Fenghuang, Hunan Province

Fenghuang is Chinese for Phoenix and refers to the mythical sacred firebird that can be found in the mythologies of the Persians, Greeks, Romans, Egyptians, Chinese, and (according to Sanchuniathon) the Phoenicians.

Legend suggests that two phoenixes on discovering the town hovered overhead for some considerable time before reluctantly flying away.

Fenghuang town is a well-preserved ancient town supposedly dating back to 248 BC. It is home to the Miao and Tujia minorities. The distinctive architecture includes Ming and Qing styles.


CPA Media Co. Ltd.


David Henley


Pictures From Asia