Champa, A Lost Civilisation

The Cham are perhaps the oldest and least-known people of Indochina. Inheritors of a proud tradition that stretches back almost two thousand years, Champa was the first Indianised Kingdom in Indochina. Its founding predates both the beginnings of Cambodia in about 550 CE, and the first major expansion of the Vietnamese south from the Red River delta of Tonkin in the mid-10th century. At the peak of their power, about 12 centuries ago, the Chams controlled rich and fertile lands stretching from north of Hue, in central Annam, to the Mekong Delta in Cochinchina. Yet today Vietnamese cities like Da Nang and Nha Trang dominate these regions. Only mysterious brick temples, known familiarly as "Cham Towers", dot the skyline around Thap Cham and Po Nagar, Cha Ban and My Son, whilst in Cambodia the name of an eastern province and its capital, Kampong Cham, remain as mute testimony to the passing of a kingdom. The question arises, what happened? And where are the Chams - those that survive - today? ...

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Champa , Cham , Annam , Vietnam , Cambodia , Khmer Rouge , Hindu , Islam , Muslim , Religion , Cham Tower , My Son , Kompong Cham , Simhapura , Tra Kieu , Da Nang , Cham Museum , Nha Trang , Ban Krua , Vishnu , Uma