Japan: Ryūtei Tanehiko, Japanese comic writer of the Edo period (1783-1842)
Ryūtei Tanehiko (柳 亭 种 彦? ) (July 11, 1783, Edo - August 24, 1842) was a Japanese writer and literary figure.
Born into a samurai family of lower rank , he grew up in a relatively humble environment. He began his literary career as a writer of poems Kyōka on Ota Nampo model. His teacher was Karagoromo Kisshu and after the death of the latter in 1802, Shikatsube Magao. 1805 he met Masamochi Ishikawa who was also among his mentors.
In 1807 Tanehiko published the first of a series of novels, leading to literary success among his contemporaries. His literary fame is largely based on the illustrated serial 'Nise Murasaki inaka Genji' (An impostor Murasaki and rustic Genji), which ran for fourteen years from 1828 - Japan's first national bestseller.
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