Thailand: Sculpture of a thewada (angel) on the Ho Trai or library building, Wat Changkam, Wiang Kum Kam, Chiang Mai
Deva is the Hindu term for deity; devatas (Thai: thewada) are a kind of smaller more focused devas, the equivalent of guardian spirits or guardian angels. There are male and female devata. In Hinduism, the devatas that guard the nine cardinal points are called Devata Lokapala (Guardians of the Directions) or in ancient Java called Dewata Nawa Sanga (Nine guardian gods). Each caste has its guardian deva, and every human activity has its devata, its spiritual counterpart or aspect.
Abandoned in the late 13th century CE, and now in ruins, Wiang Kum Kam was once the capital of Thailand’s northern region, and is located just south of Chiang Mai. It was built by King Mangrai at some time in the 13th century after his victory over the Hariphunchai kingdom of modern-day Lamphun. However, after the city had flooded several times, Mangrai decided to relocate the capital of his kingdom, and moved it farther north on the River Ping to a site that is now the city of Chiang Mai.
Wiang Kum Kam was abandoned in 1290 CE, although some records suggest a community called Chang Kham lived there before or after the Burmese seizure of Chiang Mai in 1558.
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