India: Mural from the Jaina Temple at Thiruparruthikundram, Kanchipuram, Tamil Nadu (17th century)
Top - Scene from the life of Krishna, cousin of Neminātha (right-to-left): Baladeva taking the child from the birth chamber; Vasudeva protecting the child with an umbrella; the City Deity (manifested as a bull) showing Baladeva which way to go; the city gate opening by itself; the river Jumna divididing to let Baladeva pass; Baladeva giving the child into the care of Nanda Gopa, and the Nana Gopa's wife taking the child from her husband.
Middle - Krishna playing as a child and the destruction of seven evil spirits dispatched by Kamsa (left-to-right): Devakī, Baladeva and Vasudeva arriving and Devakī giving her son motherly love, milk flowing from her breasts.
Bottom - (right-to-left): Krishna raising Mount Govardhana; Krishna performing trivikrama; Nanda's exit from the village with cowherds and cattle to escape Kamsa; Krishna reassuring Nanda of his strength by lifting a heavy stone column, thus convincing him to return to the village.
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